1634 – British King Charles I disbands new “Ship Money” tax
1818 – US and Britain agree to joint control of Oregon country
1889 – Gerhart Hauptmann’s play “Vor Sonnenaufgang” premieres in Berlin
1928 – Wien Alaska Airways, Inc. incorporated; the first airline in Alaska and one of the 1st in the US with Noel Wien as president
1947 – HUAC opens hearings into alleged Communist influence in Hollywood
1949 – Eugenie Anderson becomes 1st woman US ambassador (to Denmark)
1953 – WRAU (now WHOI) TV channel 19 in Peoria, IL (ABC) begins broadcasting
1973 – President Nixon discharges Special Prosecutor Archibald Cox and accepts the resignations of Attorney General Elliot L. Richardson and Deputy Attorney General William D. Ruckelshaus
1976 – 70 die as Norwegian tanker Frosta collides with George Prince
1996 – “Summer and Smoke” closes at Criterion Theater NYC