1534 – Jacques Cartier lands in Canada, claims it for France
1909 – Bkln Dodger Nap Rucker strikes out 16 Pittsburgh Pirates
1940 – Linthorst Homan, de Quay and Einthoven form Dutch Union
1952 – US President Harry Truman settles 53-day steel strike
1957 – US performs nuclear Test at Nevada Test Site
1958 – Test Cricket debuts against NZ for Dexter, Illingworth and Subba Row
1990 – Ms. Magazine hits newstands again after an 8 month hiatus
1993 – NY Met Anthony Young loses record 27th straight
2012 – John Dramani becomes President of Ghana after the death of President John Atta Mills
2017 – Donald Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner says he did not collude with Russia after meeting with Senate investigators